

The Twisted Road of Life
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney

A twisted road, where shadows play,
A rebellious journey, night and day.
A challenging code, secrets concealed,
Towards life's tourney, we stand revealed.

In each bend, a lesson learned,
In every twist, our hearts have yearned.
Rebellion fuels our daring soul,
As we seek to reach our ultimate goal.

The path may test our strength and might,
But we'll conquer every daunting height.
With courage, we'll the challenges face,
In life's tourney, we'll find our place.

Through trials and triumphs, we'll endure,
With determination, our spirit pure.
The twisted road, our destiny guide,
In this journey, our dreams collide.
© Crypta_veil