

beautifuly tragic
I am a piece of broken glass,
scattered, harmful, useless.
I lie on the ground lifeless
as I wait to be thrown into the dumpster.

I remember when I was a part of a whole,
when we were the most magnificent vase
and making the room pretty was our role.
we were abstract and and chaotic,
made everyone who saw us go frantic.
even if we were far from perfect,
we were beautiful, a masterpiece.
but now we are beautifuly tragic.

I know exactly where we went wrong.
it was when I couldn't quite hold on.
back to when you and I last mattered,
we fell to the cold hard floor, shattered.

I am a piece of broken glass,
scattered, harmful, useless.
I lie on the ground lifeless
but I look at you, what use to be part of me
still beautiful.
I couldn't love you any little less.

© Grace Powetry