

“Black Draught!®”
“Round midnight...

I quietly turn over the saint's ashes...

Here inside my wicked hourglass.

And here I patiently wait...

For anyone to give me such reprieve.”

“Time serves no measure or countermeasure here...

Inside the deathly hallows of the boneyard.

But the silence before the nightly howling of the wolves...

Serves me a potent reminder of many blood moons past.

Where even the courageous...

Show their true fear...

When ghosts appear...

And in an instant...

Just slowly...

Before these dark brown eyes...

Fade away.”


What am I to you?

What am I to the rest of society?

A social disgrace?

A novice dark poet?

A subliminal outcast?

Am I the nightmare...

That was never given the chance...

To curse...

To hate...

To enlighten...


Just to remain a lonely bottom feeder...

An afterthought...

A mere shadow crawler of sorts?”


The 'ryder' STILL rides!

And rarely ever sleeps!

In a dimension where I am the soul emperor!

Where you cannot even begin to imagine or fantom!

The realization here has already consumed you!

Taken complete control of you!

Shitted you out like Black Draught®!

And buried you!


When the chaos returns to order...

What gets placed upon your dreary graves...

Won't begin to ever pass...

For flowers, either!”

“The wheel in the sky keeps on turning...

While others patiently await your decision.

Meaningless as it truly might be.

For you see...

The darkness waits for the fade of light.

But I wait for no soul.

Dead or living!

Only for eternity, my friend.

Within its infinite...


Cold self.”

© 2010, 2023 RyderSound®
Pandora's Pen / GSPro!® 
in association with:
Dark Poetic Legion, Incorporated® LLC

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