

Bombings of love
You speak the arts of love so fluently
As if you know it's tunes from touch.
And its presence abundantly
You've studied it and know so much
How it flows like the fresh streams of a river
How it blows like the wind leaving a cold shiver
like you know all its ins and all its outs.
Saying every word with a strong sense of certainty.
Removing lingers of fear ridding my doubts
Yet I find myself questioning how u can offer me eternity.
Call it trust issues, call it anxiety
But I can't ignore that the feeling is there
And I know to a cupid like you that's not fair
like you're a jug ready to pour and I'm a cup already half full
Full of brokenness but taking that out on you would simply be cruel
For you haven't done anything unforgivingly wrong
I'm the one playing an old tune still, a traumatized song
it lingers in the distance no matter how much I adjust my piano's keys
Yes it plays differently to others but no one except you sees
The true melody achoeing
And to me it's truly harrowing
I guess the only crime you are guilty of is dropping Bombs of love
I say that as I see a your messenger a delicate dove
Flying from your bright world, crashing into my lightless world
It's frightening, yet leaves me in a sense of unshakable security
So even though my tunes are old and my world dark and bleak, keep dropping Bombs of love it brings me so much purity.

© eve_is_a_poet