

I wonder how it all could of been.
How it all should have been.
Would it have gone correctly if it went that way?

I'm sorry for what has happened.
I'm sorry it went this way.
I want to talk to you.
To let you know how I feel.

Would you believe me however?
I doubt it with your mind so fried.
If only your mind didn't twist things so far.
If it wasn't so damaged.

Now there's nothing I can do.
I can't message you.
I can't talk to you.
If I do, it looks bad upon me and everything that has happened would be for nothing.

Do you even think about me?
Like I think about you.
Do you even realize the trauma that has been done?
Would you realize it?

It was never about the money and I think deep down you know that.
It was never about stealing your child but will you ever see it that way?

Want to know what it was about?
It was about me loving you.
Me caring for you.
I put everything I could of had aside just to be with you.
Yet you could not see that.

All you thought was I did not love you.
All you wanted to believe was what was in your head.

I miss you.
This house is not the same.
My life is not the same.
In the end it will never be the same.

I will have to learn to forget you.
Learn to be alone again.
Learn to live without you.
Learn to hide the brokenheart.

© BearlyRaquel