

please free my soul

Please free my soul
Oh, Son of the Most High !
I'll forever be the best son to my mother
I'll forever be the best son to my father,
So will I be forever the best son to my parents.

Oh Son of the Most High !
Please free my soul
So I won't be inclined to do the evil deeds
And won't bother myself when upset
But will praise you all day, all time.
In your kingdom shall I dwell
In it shall I find refuge
In it shall I build a nest,
in heaven.

Oh Son of the Most High !
Hear my plea, my prayer
Please free my soul from worry
Give me eternal life
I cry out loud hear, lonely
In this short life,
This long gruesome night
Please free my soul from this darkness.
Free my soul from this sinful world.
Free my soul and give me light
From this vanity free my soul.

Oh Son of the Most High ?
Shall I be father to the fatherless ?
Or shall I forever pray in this wilderness ?
Oh Son of the Most High !

Shall I stay by your side ?
There will I flee to
There will I be free
There eternal life I shall have
Singing and praising Hosanna a all my time.

Oh Son of the Most High
Hear my cry !
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