

If you talk negatively about your partner, to friends and family,
Then you shouldn't be surprised if they attack or dislike him candidly.
Words carry weight, they shape the view,
And those you love will believe them true.

When you share the faults, the flaws you see,
They'll judge him harshly, inevitably.
For every tale of wrongs and strife,
They'll question his place in your life.

It's easy to vent, to share your pain,
But beware the storm that follows the rain.
For friends and family, they'll take your side,
And in their hearts, resentment will reside.

Their loyalty to you runs very deep,
And negative words becomes seeds they keep.
They'll stand against him, to defend your heart,
Unaware of the love despite your hash remarks.

So guard your tongue, speak with care,
Choose words of love, if love is still there.
For in your voice, they'll hear the truth,
And judge accordingly, even without proof.

If you talk negatively about your partner, beware,
For the bonds you break may be hard to repair.
So choose wisely the tales you share and tell
Because there're no rules, when life becomes a living hell!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo