

The Prisoner (Reborn)
A blackened spot,
Out from the past,
Laying upon my path,
My time accost’ed, I got lost,
Inside its eyes of wrath.

Lips of boiling blood,
Eyes black as blackest pearl,
A twisted row of jagged teeth,
His tongue a vipers curl.

Our moment ever lasting,
A longing piece of “bliss”,
To screams never passing,
Trapped in the abyss.

My soul lost within its eyes,
To wander in its pits,
Alone it stood with head up high,
Licking his bloodied lips.

Waving without an ending pause,
Came too it’s twisted smile,
It’s shrilling cries,
To claim the prize,
A “man” of flesh and bile.

I then awoke to echoes,
As they begin to scream,
To what my mind could render,
No longer to be a dream.

Again I see it coming,
Come true myself to be,
An acting doppelgänger,
For all eternity.

Falling fast, my troubled past,
Thy wary eyes can see,
I’m now within the mirror,
The monster now is me.

© M T Lewin