

my first born
Write a poem been inspired by a project or task be completed – whether it’s crossing something off the never-ending to-do list, or a project you have worked on for a long time.
© Smashes007

Skys the limit
You have to be in it to win it
They gave me wings and said that I could fly just any high
Ever since I have taken off I thought the adrenalin force was a monster and suffocates me... Seeing black anxiety the monster's holding my heart entirely...
Years pass and you grow up beautifully
Your 18 this year your a perfection of a wannabe...
Except thats jts just what its going to be.
You didnt ask to lead you just got followers... Your an anomaly...You dont grab the attention because you dont care who's looking... Now you have a four month old brother... I have done the
best job how much more could I be giving... You've set the standard and thats a misuse of the word.. Your the highest equivalent of what any person can ever dream to achieve.
Show your brother how to fly
Raise his spirits
Show him you
Let your presence reside him through... I know there will never be another you.
He has a a shaddow cast over him.. Big shoes to fill... Always compared to a magical source.