Unapologetically Her...
#writco #writcoapp #writer
Sometimes she gets in her own way,
Sometimes her choas is so loud,
She doesn't hear a word you say,
Sometimes her demons consume her
and she is fuelled by rage and pain,
Sometimes they are her only comfort,
all that keeps her sane,
Sometimes she is too much, too little,
or somewhere in-between,
Some days she is invisible,
nowhere to be seen
Then there are times where she is
a warrior,fearless,and bold,
Sometimes she gets in her own way,
Sometimes her choas is so loud,
She doesn't hear a word you say,
Sometimes her demons consume her
and she is fuelled by rage and pain,
Sometimes they are her only comfort,
all that keeps her sane,
Sometimes she is too much, too little,
or somewhere in-between,
Some days she is invisible,
nowhere to be seen
Then there are times where she is
a warrior,fearless,and bold,