Patchwork Genius
I am a patchwork genius.
pieces of me don't match, the seams are messy and torn easily.
I lose pieces as quickly as I find them.
I don't match, I'm confusing.
People don't like that. They've given me rolls of fabric, others have tried to sew pieces onto me by force, whether to change my mixed up pattern or fill a hole, I couldn't tell you.
When I'm laying in a bed of old pieces of myself, a lavender candle burning itself down to the wick, I've been known to wonder if there's an original piece.
Was I always just patchwork?
Is there any pieces left of me from when I was just a lonely ragdoll they used to play with?
Am I just a walking hole that needs to be patched?
I can't tell you when, but I started to self destruct at some point.
A burning hatred raged at the pattern I saw in the mirror, even the ones with strong seems I ripped away.
Blood dribbled to the floor but I didn't care.
I wonder . . . why did I hate that pattern?
was it really just because...
pieces of me don't match, the seams are messy and torn easily.
I lose pieces as quickly as I find them.
I don't match, I'm confusing.
People don't like that. They've given me rolls of fabric, others have tried to sew pieces onto me by force, whether to change my mixed up pattern or fill a hole, I couldn't tell you.
When I'm laying in a bed of old pieces of myself, a lavender candle burning itself down to the wick, I've been known to wonder if there's an original piece.
Was I always just patchwork?
Is there any pieces left of me from when I was just a lonely ragdoll they used to play with?
Am I just a walking hole that needs to be patched?
I can't tell you when, but I started to self destruct at some point.
A burning hatred raged at the pattern I saw in the mirror, even the ones with strong seems I ripped away.
Blood dribbled to the floor but I didn't care.
I wonder . . . why did I hate that pattern?
was it really just because...