

Life is Good!🔥💪
With turbulent skies, life apparently
looks turmoil prone,
Yet, we, the humans don't leave the ground,
rather, deep roots are shown,
With new zeal found, the inner strengths work, to overcome once more,
No shirk, no fear, just the will to persevere
for sure,
With the stings of life, we learn to be strong and see horizons clear and wide,
We learn to bury the basket of worries in the earth deep inside,
So let the storms of life fall on us, let them sting and assail,
Not showing our backs, we shall take them on our bare chests and must not fail,
Phases in life, shall pass, like the rise and fall of the tides,
Remember, Life is good, let us ride its wings, and glide!
— Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal