

You chased me
Then you wanted me to chase you
You serenaded me
Then you left me wondering what I should do
I don't play games
I don't push down walls
I've grown tired of waiting for you
You've pushed your real heart away from me
Closed yourself off
Yet you think I will run after you
That's something I'm not going to do
I'm not going to pursue you
If you can't come willingly to share my heart
Its best we part
I'm letting you go completely
You are free as a bird
I can't hold you
I can't capture you
I don't want to
I want you to want me willingly
Not chase after you
I've extended my hand
Then you walked in the opposite direction away
I've eaten disappointment
I've longed for you to want to truly know me
But I now see you don't
You want to try to hold on to me
But I can't hold onto you
So I'm letting you go
I'll be around
But I can't be the illusion you want
I can wait patiently for you to decide to finally choose to know me for who I am
I won't live in pretense
I can't
I was over half way in love with you
You pushed me away and closed me off
Now I see that your words aren't what's in your heart
And so I'll walk alone towards the west
And for myself and my heart I'll give them rest
After all saying goodbye to this kind of love is for the best.

© ER