

Love is Love is Love is...
Why they say
you put on a label?

I am not an object,
or even a criminal,

I have a mind, soul, and
an aura to comprehend,

What breathes and dies,
what speaks truth and lies,

I decipher emotion on a scale,
with people whom I love,

But they themselves have no gender,
no biasness, no prejudice, and
no hatred,

All we want is to belong,
to be accepted, to be cherished,
and to be respected,

Despite the love and the preferences,
we are still humans of different faces,

But do not treat us as an outcast,
we might as well be volcanoes to blast,

Give us a name, be our friend,
be our enemy, be anything else,

But do not say we are a mistake,
because nature is in us too,

We are not at all fake,
we too put our lives at stake,

We are so humans that we want you to see,
that we cry... be hurt... when someone we loves leaves us be,

All we do is spread love in our name,
it's no ploy, scheme or a nasty game,

We just want anyone to be at their best,
let them prefer any orientation without you being the enemy, we request.
© Nilakshi Garg
