

Cosmic Enigmas
In cosmic tapestries afar,
Beyond the grasp of morning star,
Lie mysteries in shadows deep,
Where ancient forces stir and sleep.

Galaxies in silent spin,
Hold secrets where our dreams begin,
Dark matter's veil and quantum dance,
Shape existence in a trance.

Nebulae in colors bright,
Cradle stars in birth’s first light,
A universe in constant flux,
Expands with enigmatic thrust.

Time, a river, flows unseen,
In currents vast and spaces lean,
Where past and future intertwine,
In loops of fate, in webs divine.

Black holes with their hidden might,
Swallow truths beyond our sight,
Their singularity, unknown,
A riddle to our minds alone.

In this expanse, we search and seek,
The answers to the cosmos’ speak,
A whisper in the void profound,
Of how the laws of life are bound.

Yet, as we gaze in wonder’s thrall,
At stars that blaze and planets small,
We find in each celestial turn,
The mysteries that make us yearn.

For in the dance of cosmic fire,
Lie questions that will never tire,
And in the silence of the skies,
The secrets of our being lie.
© jeon sora