

matzos biscuit
Matzos biscuit

Expired date

Unemployed i bought it

Shared with poor boyfriend

A local citizen senior

Had been punched on jaw when walked in Chardweecer

Crew gangster on purpose

One week he is unemployed

One week he assumed to get a job

He handled tax sixty years

Now his tax feed border

Now lived in a broken truck

300,0000 migrant per month

Boundary's lasted

Their original country organizer

Executive millions of job in America

Illegal become into legal

Poor rehabilitate almost

Can not afford rent

Nobody knows

Organizer already targeted at how many innocent

Innocent resident lost their life dependent

Christian bit expired matzos biscuit

Resident of America

My working opportunity has been targeted four year

Once they were manipulated gang up together

Each Paw owns twenty times

Destructive power

Measuring how many food storage in United States

Account how many farmland will support marvelous foods

Ride my bike surrounded Englewooter

I saw a gaint lizard

One hundred times size to local Florida lizard

Florida local lizard usually has tiny shape

This giant lizard can grow length into an alligator

Such invaded giant race can attack local tiny lizard I think

Swollen tiny local Lizard as food

Until local Lizard race has been deactivated


A country 's ecological balance will be disrupted