

A message from one heart to the other

My dearest first love,
You are the music and I'm the lyrics.
Together we compose a song.
My life is a poem.
Your love is my poetic device
makes it wise and nice.
You are the grammar of my literature.
Without you, I'll go unstructured.
Our relationship is analogous to an atom.
I'm an electron revolving around you
due to the attraction of love that you holds on me.
The bond between us is infinitely large.
It expands everyday like universe.
Our bond is covalent, mutual sharing of emotions.
I have only one heart and it ever beats for you.
Let's start a new chapter of our life.
Love is an ocean, let's dive into it and live through it.
Let's live on with the constant love forever.
We will travel long way together in life.
Let's enjoy our new dimension of our journey.
© Amirtha_rks