

Sustainable Trust
In the realm of trust, where the heart does dwell
Lies a precious treasure, a story to tell
Of bonds that are forged, strong and pure
Enduring trials and temptations, sure

Sustainable trust, like a sturdy oak tree
Rooted deep in the earth, strong and free
Weathering storms and standing tall
Nurtured by love, it will never fall

It begins with a whisper, a glimmer of hope
A belief in another, a way to cope
With the trials and tribulations of life
A beacon of light in a world of strife

Trust is a delicate flower, needing care
Nurtured with kindness and honesty rare
Watered with love, tended with time
It blooms and blossoms, a symphony sublime

In the tapestry of life, trust is the thread
Binding us together, making us wed
In times of joy and times of sorrow
It's the rock we lean on, today and tomorrow

Sustainable trust is a rare commodity
Forged in the fires of adversity
It's not easily won, but once gained
It's a treasure forever sustained

From the dawn of time to the present day
Trust has guided us along the way
Through wars and famine, peace and plenty
It's the cornerstone of our humanity

So let us cherish this precious gift
A bond that can never be swift
Cultivate trust in all we do
For it will sustain us, me and you

In the epic tale of life, trust is the hero
Guiding us through the darkest zero
Leading us towards the light
Where love and hope burn bright

So let us build bridges, not walls
Let trust be our guide, as we heed its calls
For in the end, it's all we have
A sustainable trust, forever love

© Jane.tinioworks