

Happy Independence
On October 1 1960, a battle was fought for the sake of every Nigerian, irrespective of their tribe or religion and that battle was won.

Our forefathers ran out, tore their shirts and jumped with joy under the pouring rain. Why? They had been free, free frown those who saw them as nothing but mere pawns.
They fought a battle that at the initial plan showed no sign of victory but rather than giving up, they vowed to die standing and fighting rather kneeling on their knees.
They had endured alot of hardship and torture, negligence and ignorance to all their pleas.

Everyday they woke up and hoped for a miracle to happen but just like the previous days, months and years before it.. nothing. Their tears are dried up and the only hope they had was slowly depleting but they made a decision that their screams would not be silenced.

They toiled,They cried, they endured and they could not any longer.
The pain in their backs and the sting of a whip each day grow fonder.
They concluded that they to go, to stop looking to and fro but instead to use all the pain in them and grow.
They didn't t mind if they lost any blood or even lives on the way to salvation,for if that is the price they needed to pay then they chose do that so that we could be free to live like a nation.
They fought for what they wanted
They strived hard for what they needed
They demanded change and they got it.

Nigeria, my beloved country
You are the land of my birth and the home of my dreams
You are rich in culture and diversity, blessed with natural resources and endowed with human talents.

Nigeria, my troubled yet resilient country
You have faced many challenges and conflicts but you have also overcome many obstacles and setbacks.
You have suffered from corruption and injustice but you have also shown courage and perseverance
You have endured violence and poverty but you have always displayed unity and strength

Nigeria, my glorious country and beloved country
You have a great history and heritage, a bright destiny and potential and most importantly a noble vision and mission.

Nigeria, you may look down now but you shall rise once again and reclaim as well as well defend your title as the GIANT OF AFRICA
© Dora24