

“In the Heart of the Grove”
In shadows where the whispers sigh,
Beneath the ancient, star-lit sky,
A forest deep with magic flows,
Where secret dreams and stardust grow.
A woman wanders, heart alight,
Through tangled woods of velvet night,
Her steps a dance of hope and fear,
Seeking a love that’s crystal clear.
The trees are guides with ancient lore,
Their branches whisper evermore,
Of trials faced and truths unveiled,
In every leaf, a story hailed.
The heart of the grove, a hidden grace,
Where time stands still, a timeless place,
Here she finds, through trials true,
A love that mirrors skies of blue.
The spirit of the forest grand,
With eyes that see, and hand in hand,
Offers choice of paths unknown,
Yet she returns, her heart full-grown.
In village light, where shadows fade,
A love within, a truth displayed,
She learns the grove’s eternal art—
The deepest love resides in heart.

© zrk. zh