

You Are What You THINK
You might be thinking right now that you are insignificant,
It's possible for others to call you a peasant,
Others might even insult you and call you a miscreant,
Don't let it bother you to think you are less important.

I want you to come to a reality that God is your greatest assistant,
He is a God who owns all and He's as well buoyant.
You might say, 'life will go on smoothly because I am brilliant'.
Don't let that fool you, hold on to God who is your greatest defendant.

Believe strongly in the will of God and don't be in any way reluctant,
You know why you need to be, cos tomorrow is pregnant.
It will only give birth to that which you believe is constant.
So, sow good seeds and be evil resistant.

Wait!, let me ask you a question, who is your confidant?
That wholly depends on how you can be triumphant.
This very age of ours, a lot of people are becoming intolerant,
You have to be careful before the world's way becomes your pollutant.

Please, I will urge you to leave every thought that makes you redundant,
You have to at all point in your life be vigilant,
Cos the devil is always moving around with arms like a militant.
So, put on your God given armor and always be gallant.

Please, know one important truth, many people on the inside look radiant,
They move about with a look that they are repentant,
Don't give heed, it's possible in the sight of God they are distant,
Run from them, cos they will never be reliant.