

looking those bars AGAIN
i shouted hard today
is this what feels like
like someone is tearing hard AGAIN
WHY people come
when they have to leave
why those sweet poison
when their presence only need to kill
may be i am made to feel pity
is what i get in return
to be something no one deserve
is it why angels kept in bars
so no evil can harm
TOADY i feel its better to be caged
then dieing in someones hand
who was my safe place
where i have to go now so bad
but i cant
i want to grab him
My love
MY addiction
MY habbit
the one who call ME jana
whose jaan i was at one point
whose presence make me feel alive
but sadly
he died
his promise for me died
died that day
when he killed me
my dream
dream to be loved
i burned his words today
again stitching my heart
i slept broken , alone today

© pihuworld