

Shattered Hearts: A Heartbroken Poem
Hey there, dear reader, let me share with you
A tale of shattered hearts, oh so true
Grab a tissue, buckle up, hold on tight
For this emotional rollercoaster of a write

Once upon a time, in a world so bright
Two souls collided, their love took flight
With hearts aflutter, they danced with grace
A love story like no other, in this vast space

But alas, dear friend, love can be cruel
It can turn oceans calm, into a violent whirlpool
For in this tale, our lovers faced a blow
That tore their souls apart, a mighty sorrow

Words were said, sharp as a knife
Igniting flames, escalating strife
Their once harmonious symphony turned to discord
Fractured hearts pierced by love's merciless sword

Hearts shattered into countless fragments, so fragile
Left to heal or crumble, the pain, oh so vile
Regret and longing filled the empty spaces
As they searched for traces of familiar faces

The days turned into nights, and nights into days
Still, the pain lingered, in countless ways
Like a love potion gone wrong, a bitter potion
Leaving hearts yearning for a sweet emotion

But dear reader, amidst this heartache and despair
There lies a glimmer of hope, so rare
For broken hearts have a way of finding strength
In the depths of darkness, they'll go to any length

With each passing day, a sliver of light appears
Whispers of healing, to mend those shattered years
One step forward, then two steps back
But a heart can't mend without feeling the crack

Time may pass, but love has no expiration
And the hearts that once shattered, find redemption
For in their brokenness, they learned to grow
To rise above pain and embrace a love that's slow

So let this be a gentle reminder, my dear
That heartbreak, though painful, can bring us near
To a love that's stronger, truer than before
A love that withstands storms, forevermore

And as we bid adieu to this tale of woe
May your hearts find solace and ease the turmoil
For love will always find a way to heal
Even the most shattered hearts, it will reveal

So hold your head high, dear reader, and wipe those tears
For a broken heart is but a sign of love, my dears
Remember, love can be a wild and treacherous ride
But oh, the joy it brings, when love's flames are ignited!
© Ny-leeka takia jackson