

Thoughts 3
Struggling to do right constantly.
Why do you have to make this more difficult then it is?
You say you're worried about your grandson, nephew, son yet here you are leaving him with nothing.

Here you are traumatizing him more. Is that what love is? or do you not even know the meaning of love?

Help me just make sense of how your mind is even working. Or show me how to see your view.
Maybe then I could understand how you could hurt him over and over without even caring just because you feel I did wrong.

Is damaging him not even a concern of yours? Your enranged view of me is doing nothing but harming the person you say you care about more.

Please just stop making this harder than it has to be. I'm just trying to keep the kid safe and happy. Isn't that what you should want? His happiness? His safety?

I don't want to play by your rules, I want to keep my hospitality but you're making it harder and harder to do. If only I could see from your shoes how you think you are doing right.

© BearlyRaquel