

You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Reading out the words that made no sense,
Not once did you lose faith,
Or let me be,
The slow and steady learner,
The butt of all the jokes,
Duffer! Failure! And more...
being a subject of ridicule
I gaze into your hypnotising night eyes as it focuses keenly on the small notebook on your hand.
Brows furrowed, I wonder
Lips pursed, I ponder
Cheeks squeezed, I yonder.
I called out your name and you smiled hopefully at me
There was no need for words
I could feel your unadulterated love oozing from your pores;
The warm look in your eye described to me the central part I played in your life
The patient hold you had on me made me realise how far you wanted to prove your security for me
And the small playful pinch as you landed your soft hand on my cheek showed me your love.
For now, there were only four words I could shower you.
'Mum I love you.'

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