Meaningless encounter
It's so funny
You find yourself angry with me
Upset that I don't offer you an easy smile
Or a gitty laugh when you're near
That my eyes don't light up sparkles
It really is laughable
I held you in such high regard
Higher than you hold yourself I believe
In fact
I don't think you hold yourself in any regard
But, I digress
There I was
Laid out
In your humble home
Navy blue dress
Silk stockings...
You find yourself angry with me
Upset that I don't offer you an easy smile
Or a gitty laugh when you're near
That my eyes don't light up sparkles
It really is laughable
I held you in such high regard
Higher than you hold yourself I believe
In fact
I don't think you hold yourself in any regard
But, I digress
There I was
Laid out
In your humble home
Navy blue dress
Silk stockings...