

Is anyone there?
Pitch black is all I see,am alone in the dark but no one sees it..
Bleeding heart,once so energetic...
once so bright....
once so hopeful but alas here we stand,in the dark with just you for company....
can anyone see me???
so cold but the lonliness comforts the cold like a dagger in my veins...circulating to my core and back....
Am alone in the dark......
I see it....
He sees me...
He screams and runs towards me....
My boy!!
Hands held up high as I Sprint to him..
For he is my light in this darkness,my sole comforter....
For even though his two,he is my knight and it is for him that I stand and fight the dark for it may not consume him as long as am here....
He is my light....
© chilufyawanchinga