

Lonely Traveller
Slowly gathering the shattered pieces of my heart and combining them into a pulsating source of new life. Slowly knitting the torn pieces of my soul and mending them into a reanimated whole.

What's left of me, I'll sweep underneath the layers of my grief. I'll hide what's left of you deep inside. Who knows if, with my dying breath, you will still reside in my heart?

The rhythm of your heartbeat, once combined with mine, is now forever split apart. The patterns of your thoughts, once intertwined with mine, will now follow separate charts.

Into the unknown.

What destiny awaits? A lonely traveller aimlessly follows his solitary road, a rocky path of doubts and unspoken woes. The journey he must undertake, the shackles he must break, and the weight of loneliness become his cross; he must bear that heavy weight.


© Shinku