

Ocean and me.
Thirty years later I stood
before the infinitely vast ocean
Wherein myriad creatures pass in ceaseless motion
It touched my feet gently with affection
And I took a step back aware of the familiar clear cold water.

I was not the same little girl anymore.
I was a woman of forty
My limbs were longer
My hair is short
And I don't frolic around
building sand castles and picking shells from the ground.

I stood there long soaking my feet in the salt turquoise water.
The sand grains oozed away from my feet
Widening the distance between the ocean and me.
May be it knows I am not her child anymore.

Why did I grow up.?
Why did I abandon my sand castles?
Why didn't I allowed the waves to touch the hem of my dress?
Life.I would say.
The kid in me is lost here calling out to the sea.
Still writing in sands the playful names
I am her but she is not me.
And after a while I walked back
Carrying the colour of ocean in my eyes
And from them rose waves of tears.