

Are we that much mature that we can find a good Guru who is good for us?
Obiously not!
Guru is the highest form of love who awakens our being
We can't judge who is great or not
By the way,
Only love can guide you to your guru who has ability to enlighten you
In this whole universe there is only one who is right for me or us
Not everyone is the good for everyone
You should be willing to walk on path of truth and love in search of the higher love
Instead of stucking to finding him everywhere in shape,size and great faces to whom world is following
Focus on your inner voice and keep walking
You don't belong to everyone and not everyone belongs to you
Don't fall for specific petson
Thats why saying goes when student is ready master appears automatically.
Are you that much surrendered,devoted to him that you can recognize him in the midst of journey?
We can't replace his energy as no one can burn our heart like that when he is present who lebel up or take us into spiritual world.
When we walk alone god leads to him because we ate searching him from own efforts within but when we act like deer running for own musk in the whole jungle we end up with no solution and in chaos.

Nirgun brahmn is finding him in our original form(tune into infinite poyential)while sagun aradhna is knowing him within definitions.
Where is full faith and potential to go through any situation?

We can't be fully devoted to anyone because there is the only one infront of him soul is always bestowed down since its formed.Devotion only comes from soul not from mind,how harder we try.
© Filling lacuna