

A Doctors' Essence
Taken up, The Oath,
Do we move on forth.
To take on, "The Deal",
With the best- to heal,
The body's core, which once- calm,
to regain back, now it's charm.
From the era of stress and pain,
To that of a peaceful lane,
do we harness ourselves completely,
To rise up, to any challenge- smoothly.
From any minute to giant pathology,
do we aim to correct it, smoothly.
Try do we, to use our best endeavour,
to set stable, the bodys core.
Slowly but surely, does the body heal,
The Grand Charisma- now in a zeal!
Gladly we await, to see a soul- pain-free.
With the smile, fresh and healthy!

© Dr Nida Fathima