

Who teachers really are.
Thank you teachers for being there,
When we were innocent kids and didn't know a single thing,
When all we did was cry and cause havoc,
When we used to break things and even your ears,
You saw beneath our mischiefs, children, one day glory who'd wear.

(Primary School)
Thank you teachers for showing us the light,
When we started to see the darkness that's out there,
When it was the time to explore who we were and who we wanted to be,
When we didn't have the exposure and got lost in our doubts,
You guided us out of our pandemonium and made our destinies bright.

(Middle School)
Thank you teachers for being our friends,
When puberty struck and we began disliking ourselves,
When we became self conscious and feared what others say,
When all we saw was negativity and we became rude,
You came as our shield from it all and made us love our own trends.

(High School)
Thank you teachers for being the light,
When all we do is argue and fight,
We make you suffer while we are losing our own way,
You sit through it all patiently and guide us back, on the right track,
You sacrifice yourselves, hoping we prosper one day.

© RG