

They say I m a mad woman,
But I m a plot twist Like that of Simpsons,
Set foot only on black tiles,
Went on miles and miles with no smile,
Sadness piled and my speed dial lost track,
Lord, please cut some slack,
Show me colours other than black,
Thought to go into some woods,
For fresh air but came with a broken tooth,
Read every book, throwed myself at the hook,
Done everything I could,
Left with no braids,
Paid every debt, lived with sharpless blade,
Paved every path,
Became a psychopath,
Burned myself, left no ash,
Carefully walked that footpath,
Thought I was a telepath, but was holding a trembling hourglass,
Caught up in the maze,
In all my days, got replace,
Freezed all my Saturdays for the yesterdays,
Still in the bungalow,
Head so low, Went so slow,
Waited for the glow,
But came none,
Under the illusion, with no opinion,
Heart burned, no wages earned,
No tables turned, no lesson learned,
Silent in my tomb,
Bewitching in my room,
So doom, nowhere to bloom,
Date 4 stuck on calendar,
Oh what a blunder,
No kingdoms to conquer,
No games to play,
Body made of clay,
Then I will say to spray that perfume thar will take forever to pay,
Time broken, hidden,
So forbidden, never bedridden,
Stuck in the middle, nowhere to go,
Weeds growing through my toe,
No wonder in wonderful,
So dull with no skull,
Caught in a purple circle,
Universal, very controversial, with no sediments,
Months and months, with no funds,
Poor judgments over diamonds,
Experiments and experiments all over carpet,
Countless target, scarlet letters,
And whatever matters,
Dagger on a cutting edge,
Ohh what a mess,
So depress in that dress,
With nothing to look,
They took everything they could.

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