

Am I a saint? NO... But am I a rotten no good for nothing liar. NO... No one tells the truth all the time. It's in human nature to err. We are not perfect. None of us are! N if ur going to look at things as if I'm commiting a cardinal sin by telling a half truth when being put on the spot. Then crucify me. But I know for damn sure u have not always told the truth. It's highly unlikely anyone can or does. Fact being. At least I'm woman enough to come to u n admit my fault. By swallowing my pride n standing for my truth. Even if it once did contain a blemish of a lie. I righted where I went wrong. N if u can't appreciate that. Than ur a hard one to convince of anything. No matter what it is. N I simply can or could never live up to that expectation. N I'm sorry I wasted my time n yours. But I can guarantee. U will never find anyone that tells the truth all the time. If you say that one lie is better than another. You don't even know the truth of what a lie really is. N that selective discrimination is the point I'm making. Exactly. Because a lie is a lie is a lie. There's no such thing as little white lies. It's just an easy phrase for an uncomfortable filthy rotten lies.
© Just_T_Baby