

Melodic Waters
In the realm where land meets sea,
A symphony of wonder awaits for thee,
Where waves crash and seagulls soar,
The ocean's melody forevermore.

Hear the rhythm of the tides, so bold,
As they dance and swirl, never growing old,
The harmonious cadence of crashing waves,
A mesmerizing chorus that nature craves.

The salty air whispers tales untold,
Of mermaids and creatures so bold,
With every gentle breeze that softly blows,
The ocean's song within us grows.

From the deepest depths to the azure blue,
Creatures harmonize, their voices true,
Whales sing with majestic might,
Guiding us towards a tranquil delight.

Let the symphony of the ocean guide your heart,
Find solace in its melody, a work of art,
Its soothing tones will calm the weary soul,
And help us find peace, making us whole.

So, let the ocean's symphony inspire and ignite,
A sense of wonder and awe, shining so bright,
For in its song, we find a sacred bliss,
A reminder of nature's infinite kiss.
© tekkanshojiro