

Everyday ( My original song )
I miss you
every lonely nights
I am crying everyday
Cause I am remembering things in the past
Everyday I am getting stressed
My eyes are getting heavy for tears
Everyday I wait for your messages
but no messages comes
Morning to night thinking you
Everyday I feel so bad
but I say nothing to you
Call me a pessimist
Call me a ruiner
Love is no more love
Love changed to hatred
Love changed to bad
Everyday I am waiting for you
We're getting older
No more lover
Still now I see you in my dreams
It's all vivid
but I can't do nothing to you
Ohh ( waiting for you ) 4
Till the world ends
Until I die
My ashes flow over waves of the ocean
Seeing you in my dreams again
Again , dreams are lucid
Everytime so forlorn
That I can't explain
Ohh( Waiting for you ) 4
Everyday I cry for you
Everyday I see you
Everyday I feel you
But now no more love
Feeling hurted , feeling swollen
Feeling nastic , feeling wasted
No more love is for you .

After months past
I don't cry
no more
You need someone which I am not
I need somebody which is not like you.
Now my chapped lips doesn't spell your name
Because I forgotten you but you are still in my mind.
I used to call you
But now barely my phone knows your number.
My mind says I am disconnected to her but my heart says I am right
We had a perfect friendship
But I found your lies
Now it does bother
because I don't call you
I hate you which I never did
but for the first time I liked it
Take my memories and just go
I don't need them but
they are still there
I'm sick of your bullshit love
I am not an oven
that you can bake anything inside me
But I am fire that can make you burn
Now I don't care wheather you are still there.

© Typing....