

Whispers of Obsession
In shadows she hides, a wretched soul,
A female specter, her heart ice-cold.
A stalker of souls, in the dead of night,
She haunts the unsuspecting, a chilling sight.

With raven locks cascading, as dark as sin,
Eyes that pierce the soul, a wicked grin.
Her presence whispers dread, a luring spell,
A predator disguised, where shadows dwell.

She follows in silence, footsteps unheard,
Through the labyrinth of fear, her prey ensnared.
A phantom in the night, her passion fierce,
Obsessed with possession, her longing fierce.

From behind each corner, she watches and waits,
Her patience a curse, as she anticipates.
In moonlit alleys, her steps are sly,
Closer and closer, her victims draw nigh.

Her touch, an icy breath upon the skin,
A shiver down the spine, the fear within.
She revels in terror, the power she holds,
A queen of the macabre, secrets untold.

In dreams, she whispers, a seductive lure,
Her voice a siren's call, hauntingly pure.
She preys upon weakness, her victims weak,
Ensnaring their souls, her control complete.

Her love, a twisted obsession unbound,
A symphony of madness, a haunting sound.
She weaves her web, a tapestry of despair,
Devouring hearts with merciless flair.

Beware the female stalker, the phantom wraith,
For once ensnared, there is no escape.
In her dark embrace, your spirit will fade,
A tragic tale written in bloodstained shade.

© AlmaDada
To my dear and supporter @anvi..