

Tranquility of Nyctophilia ✨
1.The love of darkness or night
Is precisely what I adore
The place where I erase my plight
Where my Aspirations take flight.
It is Ironic how at night,
Most people are sound asleep
Is the time when I feel most alive.
It's beauty conveys numerous messages to me
That keeps me repose in my dreams.
It releases my spiritual enlightenment in my heart.
2. There is something about the night,
There are no birds chirping and no flowers either.
But it's exceeding beauty stands out,
In its own unique way.
The way the star shines,
The empty streets, the dancing trees are of utmost beauty to see.
t takes me in another realm of delight and serenity.
Fireflies are dancing along with the stars in the sky.
Making me feel excited and overwhelmed with every moment that passes by.
The moon is sitting by my window
In a white veil with a basket tied up in a bow.
The dainty angles of nature enhances the dark, dull sky
3. These are also moments when,
The night sky is like an enormous stage.
With the stars as the glamorous performers
And the moon as a narrator in a silver dress,
All presenting my favourite fairy tale
All about those princesses in a castle
And pirate ships on a treasure hunt.
Then the night sky embraces me with its warm
Blanket, till I fall asleep,
Forgetting all the reasons to wail
These thoughts caress me till I became,
One who is acquainted with the night.
© k.e