

who's in the mirror
In the mirror of my mind, a stranger stares,
Familiar face, yet veiled in unseen layers.
I walk the halls of thought, but no welcoming sound,
Through corridors of memories, where secrets hide in each room.

I am the sculptor of my soul's clay,
Yet the form eludes me day by day.
In the quiet lull before the dawn's light,
I search for myself in the shroud of night.

Who am I but a whisper in the breeze?
A fleeting shadow that no eye can seize.
I am the riddle wrapped in a mystery,
A boundless book with a locked diary.

I yearn to know the depths of my heart,
To understand my role, my part.
But the more I delve, the less I find,
I am so deep, deep like the well ,
The essence of me, undefined.

So I wander in this Maze of self,
A journey not found on any shelf.
Not knowing myself as I should,
I continue to ponder, as one would.

who am I ? what am I
The mirror on the wall has nothing to offer.
I hunger to learn who is in the mirror.

© Deb