

I'm Coming Home
Looking back,
I never really understood my dad.
The way he handled things,
The way he raised me in his arms.

At an early age,
He taught me how to be tough.
To make my own decisions,
To pick my own people and companions.

I thought at first,
He never cared for me.
He always allowed me to go out,
To have fun and enjoy my life.

We didn't have much,
We've struggled alot as a matter of fact.
But I am aware of his efforts,
To make me live just like a normal child.

I even questioned him once,
I asked him why he was never mad,
Because I knew back then,
I was a problematic child.

He told me in his sweetest voice,
That he was the only person I've got,
And if we fight,
I've got no one to turn my fright.

Growing up,
I had all the freedom in the world.
He never asked me to stop doing bad things,
He just told me to come home when I'm tired.

As I aged,
I started to learn things,
I begun to understand,
That dad loved me so much.

That he was preparing me,
To this battle they call "real life".
That he was molding me,
To become this kind of woman.

So dad if you're watching me from above,
Your child has become a fighter,
She'll fight her way out,
And she'll come home everynight.

Sending hugs and kisses from Earth to Heaven.
Miss you Dad so much!

© silvervierre