

Cigarette Cigarette

I will do anything for a cigarette
 Could these be the words?
you come to regret?
‘You heard me.
I will do anything for a cigarette.
I would, suck your dick, for a cigarette
Oh man, I’m starting to sweat.
Today will be the day
she, will never, forget.
There are, how many cigarettes?
30 in a normal packet

You'll have lockjaw, after 10
But being, a charitable bloke
You can suck my dick for a packet.
You said you smoke a packet of cigarettes a day.

A packet of cigarettes costs $22
Multiply that by 7 days,
Costs $154 a week,
Multiply that by 52 weeks,
$8,008 for a year.
Now a five-dollar whore!
You do the maths
Doing it by numbers
Shows, no value for the buck.
And that was just foreplay
Imagine, the cost for a fuck.

Relationships, they are truly, Priceless.
© Poppyroons