

The fictitious heart
My heart, a fictitious entity except for all the parts that aren't.
A canvas of dreams and realities woven with treads of fiction and unyielding truths
it beats to the rhythm of paradoxes, a living enigma where reality and dreams collide
giving birth to the creation of unique symphonies of emotions.

Your eyes,
an endless abyss where I lost myself, drowning in a sea of irises that held the galaxy
the memory of their depth still lingers, haunting and intoxicating. A testament to the depth of connection we shared.

And thus
My pen bled the echoes of my soul onto paper, an offering of solace and inspiration, a humble attempt to encapsulate the intensity of emotions you stirred within me. Each word is a whisper of my devotion, penned in the hope that it might serve others navigating their own tumultuous seas.

The end.
© jasonbouti