

Stop, take a deep breath,
Look around, Yeah you got yourself this far in life.
Think back on all the struggles and obstacles you have overcome.
You’ve climbed mountains, scaled valleys. You have lived, you have laughed, you have loved,
you have hurt, you have cried, and you have even died a little inside.
But in the end, you have overcome it all.
Hard as it may have been or become..(You are a Survivor).
You will not let others knock you down from the mountain tops you have worked your whole
Life to reach.
High on the peaks you stand, a strong woman!
Never to be knocked down again!
You are who you are from the battles you have taught and
Nobody can take that away from you. Many will try, but reach
You they cannot! All the small unworthy haters stand miles below at the
Bottom of your mountain top! Keep your head held high and pretty
Soon those down below won’t even exist,
Never again will you hang your head low! They are not worthy,
You will soar above them all, up high, standing so tall.
You are a rock, you are strength, you are and always will be,

© Sunshine Always Shines