

The Eternal Embrace

In dawn’s first glow, my whispers rise,
Calling out, though you retreat,
Your faces turned from heaven’s splendor,
Chasing dreams in shadows' fleet.

My heart, a boundless, starry sea,
Beats with love both fierce and pure,
Yet you, dear souls, pursue illusions,
In this world’s fleeting, fragile lure.

I walked the earth in mortal sorrow,
Bore each sin upon my frame,
Upon the cross, in anguish suffered,
Love’s essence poured, an endless flame.

Oh, why seek solace in the hollow,
Where treasures fade, and hearts grow cold?
Turn back, embrace the light within you,
Find in my love a wealth untold.

I yearn to draw you close once more,
To heal, to soothe, to banish fears,
For in my arms lies true salvation,
A peace that wipes away all tears.

Return to me, my cherished darlings,
Though paths may lead your hearts astray,
My love endures, a steadfast beacon,
Guiding you back, lighting your way.

In darkest hours, I stand waiting,
With open arms, a heart of grace,
For even as you turn from heaven,
My salvation holds, your true embrace.

Awake, arise, let shadows scatter,
Seek the dawn, and find your place,
For in my love, your soul’s redemption,
In me, dear hearts, eternal grace.

© AJ Wappelhorst/Bear Klan Media

#poem #poetrycommunity #poems #god #Jesus #Forgiveness #salvation