

Who Knows?
What is life after death? This is something I'll wonder long past my final breath. For I don't really think it's really just lights out, but I also don't believe you automatically go up or down, as this gives me doubt.

I do want to believe there is right and wrong, I do want to believe there's a prize for being good for so long. Maybe we do come back as a plant, maybe we come back and know how to dance. I'm not really sure, and that's some of the fun, sometimes I lay back and just let my mind run.

I like to believe there is a sort of heaven and hell, I like to believe I have served my purpose well. I don't want to find out that at the end when they call "lights out!", that I go to the finale, and there is the guy who robbed that lady in the alley. That would be pretty messed up, and cause my entire life to basically amount to a cluster fuck.

So while religion doesn't necessarily play a part, in a lot of ways it's a beautiful place to start. I say believe what you want, after all there are no answers to give, there is only hope for more after this life we live.

So live your best life, find your purpose, and I'll see you in whatever comes after we leave this surface :)