

Crashing ...
90, is the number of minutes it takes for a footballer to display a smile on the face of his fans ...
90, is the number of seconds it takes for me to melt like butter when my eyes meet yours.
100, is the number of meters that a footballer travels in each match
100, is the number of butterflies that crosses my heart when you pass Disappointed, is one of the words that the team often recognizes in their defeats
Disappointed, It is also an adjective that I use to assess the jealousy and sadness that runs through me when these beautiful girls approach you so often.
Joy is the feeling that the athletes feel after each goal
Joy is the feeling I feel when you look hazelnuts knock on my door ...
A Golden Ball is the bonus that a Footballer receives to be rewarded for his talents ...
Your Sourir is all that I need to live the hundred million kilometers of joy and love that you offer with your simple presence...💋