

Can You Forget
If you can train your brain to love someone, can you train your brain to forget them?
It's hard to do when every memory is a showcase presenting itself like a reel that's stuck on repeat.
Reminding you of something unforgettable.
An experience to relive senseless.
Stuck in time motionless.
Afraid to proceed knowing what happens next.
Clenching your chest you wait for it to pass but it never does, it never does.
You choose to forgive yourself for the mistakes you make and realize it's just another day.
Relentlessly, Wave after wave, you give into the pain until it's numb.
Too dumb to over come the obstacles you made.
Have I forgotten yet?
Will I forget?
Will I look at the constant reminder of being alone, hanging like a picture frame on display for my eyes to see day in and day out as if I was proud.
Proud to be keeping this trophy.
This Priceless trophy getting old.
Never to be given away or sold.
I grind my teeth and bide my time hoping it slowly leaves my mind, as if this thought was easily forgotten and left behind.