

Grief reviewed
Grief is a very private affair..
far..far away from the prying eyes,
stored safely in the deepest recesses,
never to be exhibited in this vanity fair..

In the silence of the night,
during the rain fuelled evenings,
in the loneliness of sunday afternoons,
It clutches you completely and tightly..

It extends its un relenting claws,
sneers at you with its slow smile,
watches you disintegerate into pieces,
Ah..once again you are at its mercy!

Time cannot lighten its load,
distance cannot relieve its tediousness,
life cannot erase its foot prints,
Oh..! you carry it with you all along..

It leaves you alone as it comes,
bids you good bye in its own way,
It allows you to taste life once again,
to enjoy the flavours of every day..

I enjoy my respite briefly..
I.. wait..wait..and watch..watch
for its foot steps to fall again..
It is a very private affair..the GRIEF..

© nandini bose