

Life Is Full Of Ups And Downs
Life is full of ups and downs never let negativity energy take over your life. On the sunny days you smile but on the cloudy rainy days you smile big, don’t ever let negativity hold you back, you have to be happy, and never give up. Always look up and smile, smile on the sunny days, and also smile big on the cloudy rainy days so don’t get to down and hurted because things will change. If your friends are happy you should feel happy, be in the same mind as each other, if something is bothering you it’s okay to talk about it, and don’t be afraid of speaking up. Life is a challenge we all get tempted by things but we can overcome our obstacles. There will be days where we will be in bad situations but always pray for to be in good situations, we all have bad days but remember good days will come. Never fear things in life fear is what makes things worse fear is evil it will make you not be happy. Being wrathful will make you lose friends never be wrathful towards the people who do...