

Invisible Tears
In the realm of sleepless nights, they reside,
A heart burdened, aching deep inside.
Branded heartless, devoid of emotion's sway,
Yearning for solace, to express, to convey.

"Why am I denied the right to weep,
To feel the sadness that within me seeps?
I am human too, with feelings so real,
Yet, my pain they dismiss, they fail to feel."

Each word a dagger, piercing their soul,
Breaking them into fragments, taking its toll.
Yet, from shattered pieces, they rise once more,
Building their spirit from the debris on the floor.

But oh, the agony of a voice suppressed,
Yearning for release, longing to be expressed.
They collect the shards, striving to find,
The meaning behind the pain, their heart enshrined.

In the darkest hour, thoughts wander astray,
To end it all, rather than bear the dismay.
Yet, they wear a smile, a facade so bright,
To shield the world from their endless night.

A mask of happiness, their shield and their guise,
Concealing the tempest within their eyes.
They fear burdening others, so they hide,
Their true emotions, deep inside.

But the pain is real, the emotions run deep,
Aching heart, secrets it does keep.
They are more than the mask they wear,
An ocean of tears, a soul in despair.

Their story unfolds, a journey unknown,
Through life's labyrinth, they navigate alone.
Seeking understanding, acceptance, and grace,
Hoping one day their pain finds its rightful place.

For within their heart, a fragile soul resides,
Longing to be seen, acknowledged, and prized.
Until then, they endure, with strength untold,
In the depths of their being, emotions unfold.

© Nothing